The emblem for the 48th Anniversary of KMITL represents the generosity of His Majesty the King that permits the name of King Rama IV to be the name of King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL). The emblem resembles flowers and flame, and its meaning is described as follows.
Lotus flower means respect
Khae-sad flower is the emblem flower of KMITL. The delicate curve of the letters resembles the delicate curves of khae-sad flowers.
Flame means the light of knowledge as if KMITL is the light to bring education in science and technology to develop the nation according to the philosophy of KMITL, which is ‘education and research in science and technology is the foundation of the development of the nation’.
The bottom of the emblem resembles part of the atom in grey, which is the color for education and implies that KMITL is the leading education institution in science and technology.
The Thai number ๔๘ (forty-eight) represents the 48 th Anniversary of KMITL. The Thai number ๔ (four) is drawn in orange, which is the color of His Majesty the King Rama IV’s birthday and the color of KMITL. The Thai number ๘ (eight) is merged with the Thai number ๔ to represent the unity on the yellow background, which is the color of His Majesty the King Rama IX’s birthday and the color for ‘The celebrations on the Auspicious Occasion of His Majesty the King’s 80th Birthday Anniversary 5th December 2007’.
Overall, the emblem means;
The 48 th Anniversary of KMITL,
48 year of KMITL being the premier education institute in science and technology at both national and international levels,
48 year of the unity of KMITL to show loyalty to both kings and adopt their contemplation to develop science and technology of the nation like a glorious flame.